Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hello everyone out there. Firstly let me introduce myself, my name is Al-Afiq. Don’t ask me why I have” AL” in my name. Coz that’s the name that I was been given by my beloved mom. And I’m 18 this year. (haha)
I have to say this is the first time I'm creating a blog. Normally people said that blog is where people express out their feelings and write their past stories. But I think I shouldn’t be writing my past stories, coz if I do, your tears will start rolling down your cheeks. So I do not want that to happen. Basically, I want you people out there to enjoy and share their love with those whom they care before they’re gone.
I normally don’t like writing stories. Coz it’s a waste of time. But I can’t stop myself from getting influenced by Haz. She introduced this thing to me. Before her, there are others who tried influencing me, but they did not succeed. (haha) For that thanks to you haz, now I can atleast do something good at home when I’m bored, especially today.
Normally people like hearing holidays, but to be honest I hate it when it happens, coz that is the moment when I have no friends and faci’s to talk or joke around with. I really miss my classmates, faci’s and my other friends. Especially fad’s class. ( the coolest and friendliest) Just hope the next semester would be a blessing to me.. Therefore, we must always have faith. Take care people.
posted by AL-AFIQ at 9:02 AM | Permalink |


Insomnia - Craig David